Chanakya Niti Six Happy Things Related To Previous Birth Chanakya Quotes In Hindi

Chanakya Niti Six Happy Things Related To Previous Birth Chanakya Quotes In Hindi

Chanakya Niti: Chanakya has mentioned some such things which are related to the previous birth. Chanakya says that on the basis of the deeds of his previous birth, a man gets 5 such pleasures in the present life, due to which his life becomes successful. Let us know which are those five pleasures.

Bhojyam Bhojanshakti Ratishaktir Varangana.

Vibhavo Danshaktischa Na’lpasya Tapas: Fruit ॥

Life partner In this Kaliyuga, it is not in everyone’s destiny to get a good husband or wife. Chanakya says that only those who have done good deeds in the previous birth get a suitable life partner. The one who stands shoulder to shoulder in happiness and sorrow till death.

Money management If you want to make your today and future safe and happy, then you must have the wisdom to use money properly. Everyone has money but not everyone has the ability to manage it properly. Those who know how to use money properly, they live happily in youth as well as in old age.

rate of donation Keeping pie-pie together is a good habit, but helping the good and the needy, having a sense of charity makes life enjoyable. Money does not decrease by donation, but it is doubled.

Digestion Power – Chanakya says that those people are very lucky who have good digestion power. Eating good food gives pleasure, but if it is not digested, then the body becomes a camp of diseases. Serious diseases start to arise. This is such a pleasure that keeps a person energetic and healthy for a long time.

work control Acharya Chanakya says that people with good work power are also lucky. The person who knows how to control sex power, he is always happy in life.

Chanakya Niti: 4 habits of a person are an obstacle in the way of progress, those who stay away from them become great

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